Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Well We Didn't Die...

I would edit these but that's not really the point of quick observational sketches. I'll just focus on drawing more and try to add value to studies as I get faster. Maybe expand on the medium.

What I'm doing at 4am

So this is my Philosophy final, a little dizzying isn't it? Goes along with the concept of art and machines. We have the ability to make endless copies of anything so what was the original and what is the copy? If we take a door...and paint a picture of a door and take a picture of the painting...what is the true door and how do they exist?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

More observational Drawings

These are sketches from Saturday, I ended up buying a new sketchbook because the other drawings were done on loose paper and it's going to be hard to track all of them.
(I had sketches from Friday and they're in my room....
I like drawing these in ink because it forces me to think more about where I make my marks. I still go through the process of constructing the figure but I can't go back and erase them. Walter King said the reason he would have us draw in pen was because if we erased our mistake we would make the same mistake again.
I decided to do a foot study, maybe I'll do one with hands, eyes, lips and other features.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So Sunday at work was pretty slow so I ended up drawing on the back of my recipe cards...
I've been thinking about my schedule and when I have free time isn't when people chill at cafes and stuff so I might use pixel lovely and other photos as reference to supplement practice but in conjunction with life observations. Still focusing on human figures.

Portfolio Stuff:
So taking into consideration what we covered on Tuesday I'm going to attempt to alter my blogspot to accommodate the portfolio functions...It's going to take some figuring out but I would like to try. If it's too difficult I'll just make a wordpress.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Creative Habit

I want to do more observational drawings to practice proportions and perspective. I suppose it would be similar to café sketch or commercial figure drawing. My focus will be people, their clothing, facial structure, emotion and actions.

To do this I plan on visiting various establishments (North Market, Convention Center, Crane, and cafeteria) for an hour or two and sketching.

I’m considering how media will play in to this (i.e. microns, pencils, markers, watercolor) I’m not sure if I should limit myself or use these interchangeably. Perhaps just focus on the ones I’m least comfortable with to build up my strength in using the material.

I really want to practice digital so maybe once a week I’ll compile a few drawings and do a digital value/color study knowing that color is another area I would like to improve.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013


For a single song that would be throughout the video I really liked the play list that Marina posted.

For the personal song it was suggested to use something that felt circus-y or carnival like so I found this song that might work for me.

I'll work on adjusting some of the head sizes of the animals and repost it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Gif Sandwich


I've been listening to music but nothing I'm too crazy about.
I'll bring in a Halloween CD but it's spooky classical music and i figured we wanted more of a technological sound to it. Plus the whole commercial use copyright thing.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Choosy moms choose GIF

So this is what I have at the moment, I've messed with the timing some and would like to know if it's running too fast or too slow. Also could we cover how to save the file for optimal efficiency? Because I've been struggling with file size and don't want to sacrifice any of the quality seeing as we want a consistency through the presentation. This gif is 128 color and 50% of the original size.

Hows this for the animal heads? Think the silhouettes are enough? I figured the eyes would be the accent of red.

In this the necks have been covered and I kind of like the look of it...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Progress and Checking in

I'm composing and sending my message to OSU furs asking for their assistance in this project. I realize that I would then need them to sign consent forms for appearing in this work so I will be writing my instructor asking for the proper forms.
Thinking about it I realized some problems that may arise such as getting these consent forms filled, scheduling with them, this is if they even reply to my message.
Alternative ideas are buying cheaper animal masks and asking people from our group to wear them as I shoot the video. Another idea would shoot it without animal masks all together and animate them over the faces.
This last idea would be much easier to shoot but take more time to animate. With that being the case I would like to try to shoot it on Thursday in the event that I don't receive a response that I still have footage to work with. I would need help with video equipment (I've never really worked with video).

I've taken a couple short videos and am editing them into gifs - first attempt made photoshop freak out. Something about the file size and the amount of error messages...I'm going to keep trying and will keep you updated.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Concept for Gif

I really like the idea of me being in the middle of a circle of mascots. I was thinking of a low angle camera that would be on me (probably looking scared). To show the group it would be me spinning with the camera...I know there is a term for this type of shot but I've forgotten and haven't found the name it yet.
I've asked a few people if they know anyone who has the animal heads and am waiting for responses, sounds like I have a couple but my goal is to find at least 6 people or heads that I can use for this. For the animation portion it might just be making the eyes red and maybe some black sketchy lines to make them more spooky.

Also I found this and think it's cool, but it's technically an mp4 and not a gif but it acts like one. Please let me know if the link ever breaks.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Learning about gifs

So...I made this Thursday. I was going to put more frames in but since it's my first gif I ended up looping three frames. I broke down the action and then repeated the inbetween so that she was going up and down instead of just down and having an awkward jump back to the start.

My other animations that I made in animation 1.

As far as my final gif goes I've been thinking of how to incorporate the mascots/fursuiters. Since it's only the heads that weird me out maybe I can kind of strobe between a crowd of regular people surrounding me and drawn animal heads on them. I'm still trying to decide if it would be necessary to show a crowd (as this would double as social anxiety) or if I should focus on the mascot head and use only one or two people. It could be that the person is normal but when I am not facing them they have the mascot head on. An alternative could be people with cute animal heads on that turn demonic.
This gif from deviantart (click the link to see the original) makes me really want to rotoscope my gif and I wasn't sure if we were still allowing that or not? I do know I want to incorporate animation into my piece somehow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Junior Illustration Major


Monday 2:00 - 6:15
Tuesday 8:00– 9:45
Wednesday 9:00– 6:15
Thursday 8:00– 9:45
Friday 12:00 – 9:00
Saturday free
Sunday 10:00 – 7:30

As part of the documentary crew I will be bringing my camera and learning to use other video/photo equipment to create a record of the process as well as creating my own gif self-portrait based on the group theme.

Currently unsure of how I would like to represent myself in my gif but I would like to incorporate some form of drawn animation and maybe make it humorous. As far as the concept of being out of one's comfort zone goes I'd have to say anything social, being in places with large groups or people...oh and fursuits/mascots...they scare me.

I didn't really know of any specific gif artists until now. Here are a few sites of artists that I like or think are weird/interesting. I'd like to specify that I like these for the actions or how they loop because I kind of find the colors visually overwhelming personally.

Pusheen because...pusheen

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Art Student Cookbook

A giant candy cookie to share with friends, baked in DSA. Yes, it's possible.

The Art Student Cookbook

The nitty gritty:

  • Researching and developing recipes that are FAST, CHEAP and HEALTHY
  • Final Product will be a cookbook with illustrations and photos of the created and tested recipes
  • The group will research, test and create visuals for recipes over the following weeks
  • Progress will be documented as a Youtube series vlog 
  • Food tastings, group meetings, comparative shopping and kitchen tests

Cover mock up of cookbook

Example of Table of Contents Categories

Recipe card with Photo/illustrations

Here's an example, from the folks at Sorted Food, of how the videos might be done. Starts with a summary of events and shows a test of a recipe and it's outcome. You get to eat stuff, seriously what more do you want?

 A Little More Info

The point of this is to make good food without spending too much time or money and to feel good about what you're making.
The group will be subdivided into the different food sections for the cookbook. They will research and rate recipes by how well they fit the restrictions. This information will be shared with the group to help determine and narrow final recipes. Documentation will be shown as weekly short videos, similar to the SORTED FridgeCam series. From there the recipes will be finalized and designed for the book along with the illustrative and photographic elements for print. The book maybe distributed as a physical book or pdf and made available to CCAD students.

Another picture to make you hungry

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Getting there

I've nearly completed the line art. The boarder has been grayed out on some because I was trying to look at the line art. I think I'm going to make all the boarders a dark brown/sepia color like it is in Conquest King. The Horse acts as the Jack and will be the same image for each suit but will be different colors.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Woah I almost forgot!

For cutting intricate things out of paper or wood carving or other general cool things this is free for CCAD students (with in reason, if you want to build a huge 3d print then you might end up paying for part of materials).

CCAD Fab Lab

They have instructions on the page about how to go about making your files but you should also make an appointment asap and they will help you figure out how to do your project.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Character Roughs

The suits are more European based with a Spanish influence on death, Roman war, French Famine and Old English for conquest represented by bowmen. These are some thumbnails of how the characters will look and some concepting of a boarder that would indicate the face value of the card. Possibly an Art Nouveau inspired boarder.

I think the first color palette concepts that I had were a bit all over the place and am currently thinking of simplifying it. My idea now is to incorporate all the colors and then the greater percentage of the color found on the card would help indicate what the suit is as well as other visual elements.

Here I downloaded a template for the card faces and have started sketching in what I want the cards to look like. I'm undecided on what the Ace and Joker cards will look like. Most aces are just larger depictions of the symbol of the suit. I don't know if this means I will use the weapon that each horseman is said to be holding or if I will find another symbol to depict them i.e. a skull for death. Another concept would be to use the horse as the Ace and have the color of the Horse indicate suit. However this may be too far from the norm and not read quickly enough as a standard deck of cards would. Perhaps it would work better if the horse represented the Joker.